I want to write about something that must explain how I feel, but at the same time, I don’t want to repeat what others do. There are some possibilities, some images come to my mind, they come from memories of things that had caught my attention or my interest, now I can write about them, but the problem is they are images, no words, so when I trying to write, I find that it becomes in a possibility and a problem, the strange thing is when I think about it, the problem and the possibility are the same but become in one or another depending the mood. It is a possibility because makes you imagine something that I can describe in every detail, it is a collection of images that create an image in your head and they are real for the fact of the brain connections, something that I try to communicate makes you collect information in your neurons by the stimulus of my words, they are chosen randomly in the interminable archive of memories in you. It becomes a problem when even with the best description of it, I never will be able to let you see that image, that gives me the task to try to connect with you through your memories and my words, I have to create an image in your head to giving you one idea of one image that is in my mind when I want to write. So, the question here is why do I want to write when I find images and no words in my mind? I think that something that looks impossible brings the opportunity to have one moment when words are the bridge between two people that are imagining, words in this case are the medium to connect different universes for a bit of time.
Are the words the real wormholes?
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