“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man, Heraclitus”
Ethereal sounds sound while I look at the city, looking for illumination and understanding. The cold embraces my body while I see the cityscape; I see them staying in a mobile through the past of time. They are there, one image captured for eternity showing a daily moment transformed into a quest for understanding, for meaning.
The sky is cloudy, or maybe not. It is condemned to the flow of time but is still there, making us feel numerous emotions; the angels used to be there, but we know they are only memories; they were hunted and captured. Time passes, and the movement of the city makes us forget that we are here in the present, and tomorrow, things will be different.
The shadows show us the dark path to the light, invading all around and contrasting, eliminating the absurd and showing us the important. Keep walking and save the lies you believe once were true in one image.
Tomorrow, the sun will rise again.