Walking around the streets, people pass the time as if it were disposable; many think about what they must do, others about their partners, and others about different problems that they have. That time is taken like a transition space where people are used to going from one place to another, so people allow themselves to ignore it, and only if something different happens to the normal routine will they remember it in a short time. The question is what really happened in that time, between one place and another, and what we ignore because we are immersed in our minds.
Scientists are making theories about multiple dimensions of our reality and how to understand it if our perception cannot perceive all of them because we just perceive four of them, three physical spatial dimensions and time as a fourth dimension. Some physical phenomena manifest differently depending on the observer, like the Thomas Young experiment of the double slit, which shows that photons have different behaviour if the observer is watching or not; the photon behaves as a particle if someone is watching or as a wave if no one is watching.
The single act of watching transforms reality, and this experiment proves that, and nobody in this world can explain it. If the observer can change reality, it is possible to find some manifestation of different dimensions or multiple universes that can be possible to see because the light that lets us see them is being ignored; no one is watching it. What are we not watching, which spaces are we not observing, and what makes them happen? What if we look after those spaces and surfaces that allow us to see the appearance, or what if we create the mechanism for that? What would we find in how reality in other dimensions manifests, and what would we see?
Scientists are making theories about multiple dimensions of our reality and how to understand it if our perception cannot perceive all of them because we just perceive four of them, three physical spatial dimensions and time as a fourth dimension. Some physical phenomena manifest differently depending on the observer, like the Thomas Young experiment of the double slit, which shows that photons have different behaviour if the observer is watching or not; the photon behaves as a particle if someone is watching or as a wave if no one is watching.
The single act of watching transforms reality, and this experiment proves that, and nobody in this world can explain it. If the observer can change reality, it is possible to find some manifestation of different dimensions or multiple universes that can be possible to see because the light that lets us see them is being ignored; no one is watching it. What are we not watching, which spaces are we not observing, and what makes them happen? What if we look after those spaces and surfaces that allow us to see the appearance, or what if we create the mechanism for that? What would we find in how reality in other dimensions manifests, and what would we see?